The Green Technology Award


Visit our 'How to Enter' page for our Items Checklist & Step-by-Step Guide. CLICK HERE.

Once you have created your PDF submission and you have all items in the Items Checklist, submit your entry via the Online Entry Form. CLICK HERE.

This award is open to all technologists and innovators with 10+ full time employees who have developed a new service or process that has made a positive contribution to the environment.

Please explain what you have developed, what your technology or innovation has achieved to date and its potential if it were taken up more widely.

Entry is by a 5-page A4 PDF submission; the judges will be looking for a clear plan and evidence that it is delivering on core objectives, paying particular attention to the criteria listed below.

  • Potential for saving energy and carbon dioxide savings
  • Potential for saving water
  • Effects on waste and biodiversity
  • Impacts to date and potential impacts
  • Public or business awareness of innovation